Title: The Beginner's Guide to Beekeeping: Everything You Need to Know
Author: Samantha Johnson, Daniel Johnson
Year: 2013
ISBN: 1610587987 (ISBN13: 9781610587983)
My Score: 4/5
This book deserves a longer review than the one I am writing, but as someone who has been toying with the idea of urban/backyard beekeeping for a few years, I found this to book to be a delightful introduction to what promises to be an exciting and rewarding hobby. I am yet to buy any gear (or bees), so reading is my only vicarious outlet until next season by which time I hope to convince myself that I know enough to look after 'my girls' well enough.
I would recommend this book for readers in a similar situation, I have come away with a list of questions to pose to the beekeeping association in our region. I'll even be able to understand the answers given, based on the knowledge I have picked up over the pages of this book. While it may not be *everything* you need to know, it certainly covers all the major points of what you *should* know.