
21 December, 2013

Book Review: Beekeeping For Dummies

Title: Beekeeping For Dummies (2nd Ed)
Author: Howland Blackiston, David Wiscombe
Year: 2009
ISBN: 0470430656 (ISBN13: 978-0470430651)

My Score: 4/5

Predictably, this was the first book off the pile...  As a veteran of other 'For Dummies' books, I appreciate the layout and purposeful progression of the series, and this book was no exception to the rule. 

The book comes in an easy to read, understandable format and covers almost the full gambit of topics that a beginning beekeeper may need to know from initial questions and concerns, the gear you need, getting and introducing your bees all the way to what to check for and how to treat problems, and a large section on what to do with your impending honey flow, including a crazy amount of recipes. 

I found this to be a good first book to introduce me to the wide range of things I'll need to know when I place and populate my first hive next year.. I've reserved a point due to the heavily focus on the American market, however this gap will be filled by what I learn at the Auckland Beekeepers Club.

Certainly a recommended book to keep on the reference shelf. I'll probably be annotating mine with the required adjustments for the Southern Hemisphere seasons and any other tidbits pertaining to the New Zealand environment.

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